It’s been a few years since I served as an Army paratrooper. I was thinking about last June when I had the chance to once again don parachute gear and jump into Normandy to honor the soldiers we lost on D-Day nearly 76 years ago.
As a proud veteran and American, it meant a great deal to me to be able to help recognize and honor the sacrifices made by those who died fighting for the same freedoms we’re still fighting for today.

In World War II, everyday people stepped up to serve in the military, defend civil rights, work in the factories, and tackle challenges like the space race, housing and education, and more. And now, I see people just like you standing up against injustices, making grocery runs for their neighbors, sewing masks for essential workers, and helping me fight for more testing, support for small businesses, and economic relief for hardworking people.
It’s this spirit of service that inspires me to create opportunities for hardworking, passionate Americans in Congress. And it’s going to take all of us coming together to emerge from these tumultuous times even stronger and more united than we entered it.
As an army ranger, I fought to protect our democracy and secure freedom and prosperity for everyone in Colorado and across the nation — and I’m not backing down in Congress.
We’re experiencing incredible challenges. But I’m confident we will emerge stronger in our work to address the rampant structural inequality laid bare along the way — all while a global pandemic is underway — and I’m so glad to have you on my team.
Thank you,